Do you have a stand of trees or just one or two? No matter the number, the trees you have are a precious commodity that need the proper care and maintenance for a long, healthy life. Our ISA Certified Arborists can help extend the life of your trees and keep them beautiful year-round.
Signs of Tree Health
Healthy trees are generally beautiful, with full luscious leaves, no missing or discolored bark, no visual signs of any pests or bugs destroying the tree, and no dead sections of limbs (dead wood). Not sure if you have healthy trees? Our highly-experienced arborists can identify tree issues, provide solutions, and help your trees have a long life with preventative maintenance.
What Is Tree Maintenance?
- Correct, safe, seasonal pruning
- Pest inspection, identification, and removal
- Fungal and anti-bacterial treatments
- EAB preventative treatments
- Mulching and aeration
- Adding soil nutrients
- Fertilizing and root health
- Dead wood removal
- Stump removal
- Trunk protection
- Limb and tree stabilization
- Managing winter stress
Why Partner With Liscombe?
From the first interaction with our team, the benefits of working with experienced, trained professionals and certified arborists will become clear. We take the time to understand your goals and use our expertise to help educate and partner with you to be your tree and shrub maintenance partner.
Free Estimates on Tree Maintenance
If you feel you have a tree that’s in trouble or poses a threat with dead wood or possible disease, we will inspect that tree and the rest of your trees and provide an estimate that includes our diagnosis and treatment recommendations. We can solve any tree issues and maintain your young and mature trees so they thrive, just as we have for others in and around St. Louis for over 45 years. Contact our ISA Certified Arborists today for a free tree maintenance estimate. 314-895-1883